
When Postpartum Depression is more

When Postpartum Depression is more. How CAN we support mothers who express symptoms of post-partum depression and or mental illness without shaming them or punishing them? This is a conundrum as when one is overwhelmed with such feelings, one is unlikely to seek help due to shame and/or fear that...

Birth Doulas Help Prevent C-Sections

Gratitude that there are so many well trained birth doulas in the Pioneer Valley. You can find one at

Childbirth Practices to Support You & Your Family

New and Traditional Childbirth Practices to Support You and Your Baby Amy Mager MS, LicAC, BIrth Support, etc. 413.222.8616 Before Birth Taking care to align your body so baby can be in a good position to prepare for the journey of birth. Do do hip circles - Your...

Labor Preparation Workshop

This class teaches what you can do to soften and ripen your cervix starting at 36 weeks to prepare for birth.  We will also talk about body positioning for you that supports your baby to be in a helpful position for birth, breastfeeding  and postpartum care. Download the Labor Preparation Workshop...

Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine for Chronic Pain

Chronic pain and illness are generated by our meridian and organ systems being out of balance. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine work together to bring the meridian and organ systems into right relationship. This brings the body back into the dynamic balance that generates life and...

How chronic pain affects your brain

How chronic pain affects our brain and our perceptions: When we are in pain, it affects all of our perceptions and our nerve system. Being in pain can make everything feel difficult and can make many physical acts challenging, slow and make us want to avoid doing them. This is especially difficult...

Birth is a Natural Process

Birth is a natural process - as it is expressed in the media it might be hard to figure that out.... Someone recently said to me that she forgot that birth is a natural process and need not be a medical event. It is hard to feel or see that the way birth is portrayed in the media. A woman gets a...