When to refer for Acupuncture in Pregnancy & Postpartum

Dec 1, 2014 | Health & Wellness

Quick Guide for Humans:

Top 10 Reasons to Refer for Acupuncture in Pregnancy

Morning sickness, Nausea, Vomiting, Hyperemesis
Pain: Round ligament, back, hip, pelvic pain, headaches
Slippery Fetus/Threatened Miscarriage: bleeding, past history of miscarriages and scared.
Sinusitis, Colds, Lingering Cough: a mucous membrane is a mucous membrane, EVERYTHING gets more juicy.
Asthma, allergies, itching, PUPPS
Pregnancy-related hypertension – keep that protein coming!
Swelling and or fluid retention
Anxiety/Depression, Mood Swings, Concerns that seem bigger than they are
Cervical ripening beginning at 36 weeks (yes, it makes a difference!)
Labor induction and support for those who have a date for induction to support the cervix to be ready and willing to be induced.

Top 10 Reasons to Refer for Acupuncture during the Post-Partum period:

Nursing challenges: lack of milk, let-down difficulties, mastitis
Colicky/fussy baby
Anemia and or tiredness, lack of energy.
Urinary incontinence/stress incontinence/dribbling urine
Lingering pain in the perineum, pelvic floor, hip or site of surgery
Post-partum hypertension
PPD: Post-partum depression/anxiety/mood disorders
PTSD: Post traumatic stress disorder whether brought on or triggered by birth
To support regular menstrual cycles and treat menstrual pain/PMS
When you are concerned about Secondary Infertility.

Questions? Contact Amy Mager at 413.222.8616
on Facebook as Mager Healing