Want to see insurance coverage for acupuncuncture for all in MA? Act now…

Sep 27, 2015 | Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

Join the AOMSM and NESA at the Massachusetts State House for a hearing on Bill 1231 onTuesday, September 29th, 

 hearing time 1:00 please meet us at 12:30
A public hearing for “An Act relative to the practice of acupuncture” Senate Bill 1231 is scheduled at the State House for September 29th.
We need YOU and YOUR PATIENTS to make an impressive showing at this hearing – plese WEAR RED. Every person counts as 100 – IT IS VITAL THAT WE SHOW UP. RSVP is requested, please use the Events link on our home page. Information on the hearing time and location will be sent to those who RSVP.

Whether you can join us on Sept. 29th or not, use the link below to WRITE or CALL key legislators. THIS MATTERS and the time to act is NOW – on or before 

BEFORE September 29, 2015

Please contact these representative and ask them to report SB1231 “An Act Relative to the Practice of

Acupuncture” favorably out of the Public Health Committee.

Committee Members to be contacted

State Representative Kate Hogan, Committee Chairwoman – Communities of Hudson; Maynard; Stow; Bolton

Phone: 617-722-2130 Email:

State Senator Jason Lewis, Committee Chairman – Communities of Malden and Melrose, and the towns of Reading,

Stoneham, Wakefield and Winchester Phone:617-722-1206 Email:

State Representative Ruth Balser, Vice-Chair – City of Newton

Phone: -722-2396 Fax: 617-626-0119 Email:

State Senator Jennifer Flanagan, Vice Chair – Communities of Fitchburg, Gardner, Leominster, Berlin, Bolton, Clinton,

Lancaster, Lunenburg, Sterling, Westminster and Townsend

Phone: 617-722-1230 Fax: 617-722-1130 Email:

State Representative John Hecht – Communities of Cambridge and Watertown

Phone: 617-722-2140 Fax: 617-626-0199 Email:

Make the Call or Send Email

If you are in these folks district state your name and that you are a constituent.

On each call state your name and say that you are calling to ask that to SB 1231 An Act Relative to the Practice of

Acupuncture be reported favorably out of the Public Health Committee.

You may speak to legislative staff instead of the legislator directly. That is perfectly fine and often as effective, if not

more effective, than speaking to the legislators directly.

If there are specific questions about the legislation, feel free to refer them to the AOMSM legislative advocate, Daniel

Delaney, at or at 617-251-6774.
About SB1231 An Act Relative to the Practice of Acupuncture

The bill has two goals:

1. Ensure that acupuncturists are able to be fairly reimbursed for their services by insurance plans in

Massachusetts. Prohibit differentiation of reimbursement rates for acupuncture by provider types. Prohibit third

party payer reimbursement for acupuncture services by anyone other than licensed acupuncturist or medical


2. Prompt the Department of Public Health to convene a special commission to investigate the effective

integration of acupuncture and oriental medicine into new practice models and payment methodologies under

the health care reform act