Patient Forms & Downloads

Before your visit

Please browse the following categories for patient forms and other downloadable information such as pamphlets, brochures, and other hand outs. Click the link to view and print or even download each .PDF file.

Acupuncture Forms for New Patients

Chiropractic Forms for New Patients

Resources and Articles 

Using Heat Therapy and Moxa to Heal

Post-Partum: The Bridge to Recovery

Has Amy suggested you do a castor oil pack for the pain of adhesions or menstrual cramps? Download instructions here!

Local legislators support acupuncture for the treatment of pain, PTSD, nausea, and opiate addiction.

The Relationship Between Acupuncture and Dry Needling Clarifying Myths and Misinformation – Have you heard of Dry Needling? Read what is myth and what is misinformation.

Practitioner Corner: June Spotlight – Amy Mager, DACM, L.Ac., FABORM, Dipl.OM – Traditional Chinese Medicine works well to treat the symptoms of many viruses. Covid symptoms can present differently and appropriate, specific treatment supports recovery.

Image of Baby in the Vertex Position (below) – Please download and print. Put a copy on your fridge, in your bedroom and on your bathroom mirror to get used to the idea of seeing your precious one in the head down or vertex position.

Inverted Baby Drawing

Parental Support Resources

How we talk to our precious ones affects their response to us. Please use these resources to work to bring out the best in the precious one that you worked so hard to grow and birth.

Wellness House Acupuncture Clinic Flyer

The Women’s Wellness Community Clinic is currently closed due to COVID-19 and will reopen as soon as it is safe to do so.

Women’s Wellness Community Acupuncture Clinic 

Amy Mager Business Card Oriental Medicine Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine
heat therapy for pregnancy and postpartum front
heat therapy for pregnancy and postpartum back
Acupuncture Evidence Project systematic review front
Acupuncture Evidence Project systematic review back